Sunday, October 9, 2011

Luke is 8 months!

Yay!!! Baby Luke is now 8 months old! He is definitely getting big really fast! I have missed a few months of here is what little Luke is up to lately...

-He is trying to crawl. He is not there yet...but as soon as he develops a little more arm strength...he will be there.
-He is eating more solid foods. He loves tiny little pieces of bread!
-He had his first double ear infection. So sad...but he's recovering nicely.
-Luke went on his first road trip to San Antonio and had a wonderful time.
-He is now wearing a range of cloths sizes from 9 months-18 months!

Here is the latest and greatest picture of Baby Buzz Lightyear. This is, of course, his Halloween costume. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Mom S said...

What a happy looking baby!
"To infinity and beyond....