Saturday, November 14, 2009

We Survived the Swine!!!...I think...

Well, the week before last was a little crazy for our little family. I took Grant to the doctor and Monday because he had flu like symptoms and a pretty bad fever the night before. Needless to say, Grant was hysterical at the doctor's office. The doctor decided just to treat Grant for the flu since he looked like a classic case. We both went home for a nap after the emotional dr. visit. After our nap...I too, woke up with flu like symptoms. I called the same dr. and the nurse wrote me up for a prescription for tamiflu as well.
As Grant was on the road to recovery...the worst was still ahead for me. To make a long story emergency room visit was decided that I had a bad reaction to the tamiflu! I had to stop taking it and I had fever on and off for a few days after that.
Luckily...we have all survived and Kirk remarkably did not get sick at all. He must have some natural immunity because he was surrounded by germs and did not even get a runny nose!
Get your flu shots people!!! This virus was NOT mild!!! I missed a full week of work and I am still a little weak one week later! I certainly was surprised by this darn swine virus...