Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Blood Donations Needed!!!

Hey everyone! I know that I do not get that much readership, but I am putting a call out for help an old friend of mine. She is not old...but I have known her since the 6th grade. :) My friend Missy Knight has the cutest little boy Samuel who is fighting for his life at Texas Children's Hospital this very minute. Right now he is using a lot of blood and Missy has asked for anyone to donate blood in her son's name. He is Samuel Knight and he is at Texas Children's Hospital. I am not sure exactly how it works, but this is what she has written on her blog,

"We are still getting tons of blood products. We could use as many donors as possible. You can go to any donation spot and donate to Samuel Knight at Texas Children's Hospital. I think they give you a voucher that we can use to deduct the cost of what we owe for his blood. So, if you get a chance, please go donate blood, plasma, or platelets for Samuel. He is recieving all 3 and we could really use the vouchers!"

I am sure the people at the donation centers are very knowledgeable about how this process works. I have never donated blood before, but I am going to go this weekend if there is an availablity. Please pass the word and check out Missy's blog. It is . Please send lots of prayers for Samuel and this family. Thanks so much!

1 comment:

superjuker said...

I'll put the word out to friends. I wish I could do more. They never take my blood, something about too low of an iron count (I should take more supplements since I'm a "veggie"). We'll put him in our prayers too.